


Ying-Zhi Chen

2001, 台中人 現居台北
國立台灣科技大學 設計系商業設計組  畢

平面設計 / 動態設計/ 3D 建模

Born in Taichung and currently based in Taipei, there lives a dark gray cat in my house. I Graduated from Taiwan Tech, majoring in commercial design.

● Graphic Design
● Motion Graphics
● 3D Modeling


Ying-Zhi Chen

2001, 台中人 現居台北
平面設計 / 動態設計/ 3D 建模

Born in Taichung and currently based in Taipei, there lives a dark gray cat in my house.

● Graphic Design
● Motion Graphics
● 3D Modeling


臺中高工 81 周年紀念大學 T、80 周年紀念 T 恤

National Taichung Industrial Senior High School 80th & 81st Anniversary Sweatshirt and T-shirt  (Unused)

Graphic Design

Design: Ying-Zhi Chen

在臺中高工的校園裡曾經流傳著一句話:「穿皮鞋,上台科」。由來是服儀禁令還存在的時期,校方為了正當化禁令,稱學生穿著整齊加上皮鞋,就可以從小地方培養自律習慣。若應用在讀書、考試上,未來方能輕鬆考取第一志願。後來 2016 年隨著蔡英文政府上台,教育部推廣服儀解禁,臺中高工學生一定得穿皮鞋的規定便步入歷史。80 周年紀念 T 恤,為了留下過往的記憶,遂以皮鞋作為主要的意象設計。

There was a saying at National Taichung industrial senior high school: "Wear leather shoes, get into NTUST." This originated during the period when dress code restrictions were still in place. The school justified it by saying that wearing a uniform with leather shoes would cultivate self-discipline. Applying this discipline to studying would eventually lead to getting into a good university. However, after Tsai Ing-wen's administration took office in 2016, the Ministry of Education promoted the relaxation of dress codes, and the requirement for students to wear leather shoes was abolished. To commemorate the past, the 80th anniversary T-shirt was designed with leather shoes as the main image.