Big Brother Xi is Watching You
A1 594 mm × 841 mm
Design: Ying-Zhi Chen

2019 年中,香港爆發「反送中運動」。期望透過這幅海報提醒台灣人民,如果繼續忽視中共政府對於民主自由的踐踏,不透過關注香港思索自己的未來,習近平下一個鎖定的目標將會是島上兩千三百萬的台灣人民。
In 2019, the "Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement" erupted in Hong Kong. This poster aims to remind the people of Taiwan that if they continue to ignore the Chinese Communist Party's trampling of democracy and freedom, and fail to reflect on our own future by paying attention to Hong Kong, Xi Jinping's next target will be the 23 million people of Taiwan.

Specialised crowd management vehicles (Water cannon car)

The water cannons spray water containing blue dye to mark protesters. Additionally, human rights groups claim that the water contains chemicals that cause skin irritation.
2019 年底,一個粉絲專頁發起平面設計師的串連活動,以「#Graphic Design For Democracy」為主題,針對決定台灣未來的 2020 總統大選進行海報設計。
At the end of 2019, a fan page launched a campaign to connect graphic designers under the theme "#Graphic Design For Democracy," creating posters for the 2020 presidential election that would determine Taiwan's future.